
Jul 05, 2008 22:26

The only thing to take out of this is: go see this movie.  Wall-e was like the cutest thing in the history of time.  Spoilers beneath the cut.

Couple of things

1) I have such a soft spot in my heart for the Wall-e/Eve type story.  For serious.  It's like Crichton and Aeryn!  Or any story where the formerly upright character has to discover their individuality to do what's right and save their significant other.  I go for that anywhere, anytime.  It's one of my hardcore story kinks.  So I was all over that.

2) he's the king of the crazy robots!  How much do I love that?  A LOT

God, this movie was made of awesome.

3) So, yes, the--not plot, the antagonist?-- was ripped off of 2001 a space odyssey, but in my mind, this was better.  It was like a special bonus treat for all of us who suffered through watched 2001 (which, in my theatre, seemed to be me and the guy next to me).  That is a sci fi thing that still works.  Yep.  Also, I just rewatched the clip of HAL dying and man, still freaks me the fuck out.  If the movie had been just 4 hours shorter (I kid.  Maybe.) it could be so good, the genius is there.  And that's my heresy, I suppose, I didn't like 2001.

I haven't seen Doctor Who yet.  Am terrified.

recs, movie

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