Just got back from "the city" -
xaosenkosmos and I went up there and stayed at
oblio's place for the weekend while we attended
The Fifth HOPE computer hacking conference. Good stuff - enjoyed listening to the Woz speak, and generally liked being around so many geeks ;) It wasn't as much fun this year as it had been the previous couple years - the talks were too non-technical, and the atmosphere generally seemed to contain less clue. Still, staying in the city was an experience, and it was the first time I'd stayed up there as a real guest instead of a visitor, forgoing the hotel experience and all for a nice floor in a small apartment in the East Village. I got to hang out with some really awesome people, and do some things I really hadn't expected to do. What a strange life - to think that a little over 24 hours ago I was standing on a rooftop in New York City... I'm glad to be back among familiar and comfortable surroundings, yet it is nice to let go occasionally and experience things out of the ordinary. What a strange world...
Delicta iuventutis meae et ignorantias meas ne memineris. Do not remember the sin and ignorance of my youth.