Apr 17, 2004 03:35
...granted, it's a bit late and I've been out with friends (Electric Six, then over to the Works for Bandwidth, where I slipped and fell in the parking lot...just call Ms. Smooth), but I feel somewhat serious, therefore a catch-up post is in need. As I mow down on mash potatoes...yum.
Well kids, I'm moving Sunday to Eastpointe with my dear friends Ed and Tabitha. Issues with my current roommate have forced it so, but all is well, life doth go on. With this new move I gain:
1: a red room...woot!
2. closer access to Melodies and Memories...Seth better hook me up ;)
3. closer access to work...a plus
4. dogs...no..wait...I'm allergic...ah well, that's what Allegra is for
So I am very happy about this. Time for change, indeed. Oh, then there's this crush..*ahem*...that makes springtime that much brighter...ah, but so much to think about...
So on that note, time for bed. Night night all.