Today is Tuesday, aka day one of my Weekend, so in addition to running a few errands (post office, now-weekly trip to the library, and not one but TWO grocery stores), I decided to bake a cake I'd had my eye on for over a week.
The recipe is from the Smitten Kitchen website, for
Blood orange olive oil cake. While this might sound kind of disgusting (olive oil in a cake? REALLY?) to you, I'd been majorly jonesing for blood oranges since leaving Austria and was delighted to find them in-season in recent weeks (at the big grocery store, too, not just the local co-op!). So I made it. It's incredibly moist, thanks to all the orange juice, and quite cake-y. I had been half-convinced that it was going to be more breadlike, but it turns out the recipe title was correct. WHO KNEW?
Oh, and since it's quite orangey, I skipped the compote and the whipped cream (which I usually pass on, unless it's in coffee-type beverages) and just drizzled the cake in honey. Quite tasty.
And now, for something completely different. Cats. No pics, BUT two observations:
1) Ohne loves chasing around crumpled up pieces of paper. At first I thought it had to do with being a chocolate bar wrapper, but she's doing the same thing tonight with a library receipt. Makes me feel a lot better about having horrible aim and missing the trash can. Also, between this and leftover yarn bits, she can entertain herself for HOURS.
2) Upon nicknaming Ohne "Ohnie-wan Kenobi" and realizing that both of the cats kind of trill like R2D2, I decided to play
this video for them to see how they'd react. Result: Ohne stalked and then tried to attack my computer. Wawa was aloof, per usual. (Yes, I know this not only marks me as an emerging cat lady, but also as a huge geek - but really, was there any doubt of either at this point?)