It's been so long...

Aug 31, 2006 13:37

I just realized it's been a while since I did a "what's new with me" post.

Summer came and went, and now I'm back in school, stressing, and trying to juggle school, work, and the people close to me. Unfortunately, I've not yet mastered this juggling, so for those of you that have been neglected... I'm sorry. Know that I'm thinking of you all and can't wait to get this school thing done so I can pick up my life again.

So, on this edition of "What's new with Laura"...

On the School front:
I got my official acceptance to USC in the Cardiovascular Technology major. So now I have to attempt to find vaccination records, get financial aid finalized and tie up all the other loose ends so I can start there Spring 07. I'm so glad to be done with tech, but to be quite honest I'm a bit nervous about moving on. I've never been particularly good with change. Once I'm done with this semester I'll have 10 courses and an intership and I'll be done! Well, done with my bachelors... I've been waiting so long to see a glimmer of that light at the end of the tunnel and it's finally there, infinitely small, but there nonetheless.

On the Home front:
Summer of Laura was a success, and a failure at the same time. I'm trying to focus on the former... I came a long way fitness-wise, but didn't lose weight. I did log 650 miles on the bike from the end of May until the middle of August, and I think what I gained mentally was the best (and most unexpected) reward of it all. I never realized what a great impact "getting back to nature" would have on me, and had almost forgotten about the world around us. Before SOL, I failed to remember that there is so much more to it than what's in my little bubble, and getting out there on my bike and exploring made it all come rushing back. Life is not about work, it is about taking that ride at dusk and hearing the bullfrogs and crickets serenading you as you zip by. It's about taking a moment to get back to what really matters. I hope I never forget this important lesson. So I guess I feel like I was going about the whole "Summer of Laura" thing the wrong way. I wanted to gain a physical result, and completely ignored the mental aspect of it all. I now know that all I really need to do is get the mental part right and let the physical follow. So even though I didn't lose any weight, I think I gained so much more insight and that's all that matters.

In other news:
I think I've got a hold on this whole birthday thing... I'm sure if you go back in lj history, there's probably a lamenting post near the 13th of september each year in which I freak out about getting older and not being where I want to be and blah, blah, blah. Not this year. In 13 days, I will be 28. This year, I'm not holding on to it. Everything I've done in my life has been rewarding, and has shaped who I am in positive ways... so what if I didn't take the traditional path. My meandering road (which sometimes seemed to just go in circles, haha) has led me to a point that I'm happy with. And that's that. If the other things are meant to be... my meandering path will lead me there.

...And Some Recent Pics:
We got lost on the way back from our trek on the Ft. Jackson section of the Palmetto Trail. It made me wonder why people spend so much time trying to AVOID getting lost. I combined the pics, the left side is what was ahead and the right... well you know.

Before we set out...

...and after we got to a point that we couldn't find where the trail went.

And here's 2 panels from our narcissistic photo shoot...

We're not normal:

Wait, yes... yes we are:

Well, that's it guys! I hope all of you out there are doing well, and a special side note to Lissa, Rob, Megan and baby Emily: I can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!!! And if you could give us a heads up about what Megan is into these days so we can get a little something for her...
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