Jan 13, 2004 22:32
Well, there was nothing I could destroy. So I went the opposite (yet so strangely similar) route of creating. I finished three paintings tonight (two of which had been started for some time now. The third I just started with no concept and saw it through to where ever it took me)
They're no museum pieces, but I feel I saw them through and they're decent enough. I guess that makes me content for the evening. I've calmed down from earlier. Some of what I said remains true as a dull throbbing pain inside my heart, but a lot of it just stems from too much happening too soon. When it rains it pours as they say. And as of late it seems to be true. I've just got to find a foothold and cling to the wall till some of this blows over. Anyway, gotta get some sleep. Gotta get my tire fixed in the morning, though I'm not sure exactly how that's all going to go. Guess we'll see. Wish me luck. And if you pray, ask god to please stop kicking me in the balls any time now. Just kidding.