"It's bad enough I have to drive this van for the next four hour--I DO NOT NEED MY ASSHOLE FINGERED"

Jan 13, 2004 09:09

Chris's words just before leaving Evansville Saturday night, and apparently just after having his oil checked.
So we played a mediocre show on Friday at Rhinos out in Bloomington. Not horrible... Okay, so the show was horrible, but we had a good time all night. We followed it up Saturday with an awesome show in Evansville though. The whole weekend was just nothing, but fun. We've inducted Biff "muthertruckin'" Dynamite Tannon as an honorary member of the band--his actual function being tour manager/roadie/keyboardist(sans keyboard)/publicity agent/unpaid entertainment/bestguyyoucantakeoutontheroadwithyou. So he keeps things lively, and that's good.
Friday we pretty much just hung out inside the venue all night and watched as no one even showed up till after 8 o'clock. Luckily that includes the opening band so nobody missed anything except for us sitting around eating wendy's and being obnoxious. Then some people finally showed and explained to us that the college kids are still on break (the fuck is up with that?) and the highschool kids wre mostly at some huge basketball game, and also that if Eve's Revenge isn't playing nobody in Bloomington will come out to see any band that even remotely resembles a hardcore band (which we just barely do) so we played for 15-20 people and got the hell out of dodge. We did meet a couple really cool people--the ones who told us where everyone was and what not. One of them was a really good artist, he's hoping to go apprentice with Derrek Hess or Jacob Bannon and he sketched us this really quick picture. he's got a lot of talent. I hope he goes far with it. Anyway, he said he wants us to come back and play a house show he's trying to put together. It would be us and still remains (awesome) so he said he's going to come out this friday to Crawfordsville and see us and still remains there and talk to them about it, see if they would do it. Should be great if it works out.
I cut out a little earlier than everyone else because I had plans to get home and hang out with Jess some that night. So I picked her up and we went out to steak n shake and shared some chicken strips and fries/onion rings. Lots of fun and ended the night with good conversation before bed.
Woke up the next day and didn't really get around to doing things as fast as I planned so I pretty much just went over to Chris's in the exact same thing I was wearing the day before (sans deodorant)and we headed down to Evansville. We planned on being there around 5-5:30 (that's roughly when the emerson usually wants us there) well, we totally forgot about the time change so we got there around 4:30. No one was there, but that was okay, we ran across the street to the army surplus store and looked around. They had those little army hats I used to always want, but then started seeing everyone and their mother wearing one, so it just really sucked the fun out of those. I did get a new belt though, so that's cool ($2) then we went into the music store next to the venue and got Jake and Justin some picks. Still no one at the venue so we decided to go eat. Seth and I were craving some mexican--enchiladas, burrittos, good shit--and there were about a million little mexican places we had seen Los Bravos, anyone? So we're all ready for some good mexican. So we start driving down the road and pull into taco bell. Bastards. Hehe. Oh well. We ate and then swung by the goodwill on the way back and went shirt crazy. Down there goodwill still knows how to be cheap--all tshirts $1 all other shirts $3. None of this $7-$10 crap we have up here. So we finally get back to the venue about two hours later and there's stil no one there, but the guys showed up within another twenty minutes or so and we went in and started getting everything ready and then sat around and waited.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm happy when we don't have to play first, cause it usually means more people will be there when we do, but I hate waiting to play. HATE, HATE, HATE it. Especially when the bands are as bad as the ones we had to sit through. I cannot stress enough how much the first band bothered me, not because their sound was terrible, but because everything was fake, like Pamela Anderson's chest fake. Like Mark Wahlberg's cock in boogie nights fake. The singer screamed the exact same back-of-the-throat-generic-singing-along-to-staind-in-the-car scream the entire time and used a distortion box to make it sound however he wanted it to. Hell, he wasn't even using it to do things a human being can't normally do anyway. It just seemed he was too lazy or incapable of learning how to on his own. The drummer (if you want to call him that) came out with a keyboard. Into which he had programed various drums hit various number of times. So that when he was doing all his double bass and blast beats and what not he didn't even have to cramp his finger he just had to hit the right key for the apropriate number of the apropriate drum. I think there sound could be best described as nugrind. Picture a grind band that suddenly goes into numetal riffs. Picture some disgusting grind riff going on and this monkey with a distorted mic rapping over it. It was just fucking weird. Now I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed to do their own thing. Far be it from me to denounce there band, I'm simply saying I hope to god I never have to see it again.
Anyway, after that there was this other band where the only really stand out thing about it was this guy with a six inch money mohawk so we're thinking punk as fuck... total hottopic blend of all things popular over the last five years. They weren't bad musicians just not doing something I had interest in listening to, plus everything started sounding the same. Then we played and had a really good set, but only about 10 people who came specifically for us cared. The rest were shunning us. It's okay. They still had to sit through it. So we did that, sold some merch, ran out and made some calls, jacked around, I got offered a back alley bj (declined), got invited to IHOP, but we had way too long of a drive ahead of us, tried to avoid the last craptastic band, then packed our shit and headed home. Which I found to be uneventful (I was asleep when we drove twenty minutes into IL and nobody asked if it was the wrong way) and got home around 3 in the morning.
Good times.
Spent sunday with Jess. We had dinner with my parents (mmm red lobster) because her and my mother share the same birthday and we were taking them out for that. Then Jess and I ran up to Greenwood to pickup a cd at borders her mom had order for her for christmas. Sadly the bastards sent it back on her :( so we went down to the mall to see if maybe hottopic was carrying it, but of course they weren't (my chemical romance just doesn't tear up the charts) so we did some other shopping and what not talked to Biff for a bit and headed home. Took her to work and then had taco nite with brandy and fam. in which I ate a taco salad I did not need after the huge lunch and feltlikecraptherestofthenightthankyoubrandy. Anyway, this has gotten long to the point no one should take the time to read it (except of course me at a later date which was the point) so goodbye. Oh yea, and good luck with your test today Jess! I know you'll pass no problem, but just know I'm thinking about you :)
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