(no subject)

Dec 04, 2008 14:26

My New Years Resolutions as decided by a stupid internet widget:

In 2008, phlegmaticphrog resolves to...
Spend more time with my camalids.
Learn to play the weather.
Buy new theories.
Drink four glasses of anime every day.
Find a better literature.
Put fifty ferrets a month into my savings account.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, phlegmaticphrog sent to me...

Twelve joosettas drumming
Eleven rekays piping
Ten zzyllos a-leaping
Nine graveyards dancing
Eight vegetables a-chatting
Seven camalids a-listening
Six theories a-creating
Five amphi-i-i-ibians
Four volkswagons
Three ferrets
Two physics theories
...and a space in a mythology.

Sounds good to me.
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