Dec 07, 2004 23:38
Damn, I feel good. Not really any particular reason why, it's just been a good day for one reason or another. I started taking creatine and protein supplements today, and I just got home from the gym, so maybe there's some kind of endorphin thing goin on here. Also, I'm gonna get even more serious about going to the gym. I've got my mon-fri plan thing workin now. In another month or 2, I'm gonna be freakin jacked , haha.
I called Mike from RPR about the job over there, and I think I may've very well left him the perfect voice mail (perhaps another reason why I'm in a good mood). In a very upbeat and confident manner, I expressed that I thought a lot about his offer, and the similar job opening at Portofino, and that I have decided that I still want to work over there. Told him that I would like to talk to him about it and asked him to call / email me.
I'm happy for my friend, Kenny. Since graduating from UF last spring, he's been trying to get a job as a TV reporter-type-person, and he finally got one. In Idaho Falls, Idaho. He almost had one last week in Fargo. That would've been cool, just cuz it's Fargo, but that's ok. He's starting his new job on January 3rd, so he still gets to spend Christmas with his family.
Dum de dum... I guess that's all I have to say for now. Bye!