Nov 07, 2004 12:52
I fucking hate drama. I hate hearing people bitch about it, and most of all, I hate being sucked into it. I have no problem writing this stuff here because I know that none of the people concerned ever read this thing. I've got a friend who is living up in Gainesville at UF and his girlfriend of a couple years or so still lives town in Orlando with the rest of us. Anyway, last Saturday before halloween a few of us friends, her included, got together and got really drunk. Just had ourselves one hell of a time. Well, we all ended up getting incredibly wasted, and a few of us got kinda sick, you know the story... Just because she got let herself get drunk and was all throwing up and stuff, my buddy in G-ville is sayin that he can never look at her the same way, doesn't know if their relationship can recover, blah, blah, blah, hypocritical bullshit. Just me, he's been there too, and he doesn't care that his friends get drunk, but apparently because she is his girlfriend, she's gotta be held up to some higher standard of humanity that even he won't hold himself to.
Now this is getting to the part that really pisses me off. Because it is such a touchy subject (I'm not using names, so lets call the two Jim and Sue), even though Jim is a good friend of mine and I talk to him a lot, Sue made me promise not to bring up the subject. Well, even if I'd wanted to, I am a person who sticks to his word, and so I never mentioned it. (Ok, the part that has me really pissed --> ) Now I guess that Jim is trying to make Sue feel all guilty about it, he has told her that I talked to him about it and told him that I saw Sue all drunk and half naked and shit, which is complete and total bullshit because, 1- I never talked to Jim, because I promised not to, and 2- even if I did, it would still be a lie, because I didn't see a fucking thing anyway!
Well, that is why I am so mad about it now. I've been trying to stay out of this whole thing, because it isn't really my business to meddle, and I know that Jim doesn't like people giving him relationship advice, and I can respect that. Now though, he has not only involved me in all of this whether I like it or not, but he has put my credibility into question, and that I can not allow. You see, I like being known as the kind of guy who people can tell stuff to, because always am someone who keeps his word, and I am not a person who will indiscriminately throw stuff around that was told to me in confidence.
So now, I have to talk to Sue (I still will not bring it up with Jim, because I still said that I wouldn't, though I really want to now) because I cannot have her think that I threw away my promise, and that I lied to her about what I did or did not see that night. Fuck. I already said how much I hate this shit.
Well, I promise next time I'll try to find something happy to write about, but, I just got all this information last night and I had to get it out, since there are few people involved who I can say all this to anyway.
...till next time.