Since only one person will read this...

Mar 31, 2006 16:50

So I had the doctor's appointment today. Woke up at 6:45am (I know!!! I thought it was impossible too!) and got myself clean and pristine and went to eat some breakfast when I realized that the DC was closed for Cesar Chavez Day. Now shoot me or something, but who the hell is Cesar Chavez? And how come we don't get a day off for Easter but we get one for Chavez? Craziness. -_- Or rather, stupidness.

Anyway, cold and hungry, I returneth to my warm dorm to put Satis in TG on Conquer. Then I trudged my butt over to the bus stop when I figured after 10 minutes of waiting in the cold, the bus is on holiday schedule for the dumb Chevy day. So there I go, marching 6 blocks to the dentist--when!!! I find that the office is closed. The door says: Open Friday 8-1, and it's already 8:05. I stand there thinking maybe I've made a mistake in the dates, but I know for sure I had made an appointment for "tomorrow" yesterday. So anyway, they come and eventually figure out there was a mix up or something and I got 18 x-rays of my teeth done and my teeth cleaned. Turns out I have impacted wisdom teeth. SUCKS! I looked at my x-rays and they are f*cked up. One tooth was almost nearly horizontal, even. Man...

Afterwards I walked back home and had breakfast then went back to sleep.

Anyway, I think I did a mistake in the billing. I had them bill me later or something. Crap. But otherwise, I'm very glad that I made an appointment all by myself, showed my distaste in them making me wait (I was grumpy in the morning, anyway), and did all of that all by myself. I stand tall and proud. Maybe not that tall, though. :S

*smacks Matt*
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