Apr 24, 2004 14:26
ya its dumb, ya im bored, just skip it if you'd like
name four bad habits you have:
1. procrastination.
2. shyness.
3. lazyness
4. Forgetfulness
name four things that you wish you had:
1. The highest intelligence possible for a human (hehe)
2. A totally flat tummy
3. The ability to read minds muaha
4. lotsa money
name four scents you love:
1. Marigold
2. Wisteria
3. Really butterful cookies in the oven
4. Orange
name four things you'd never wear:
1. Magenta
2. A bow tie...shudder...
3. Anything pro bush
4. Anything with a carebear on it
name four things you are thinking about right now:
1. Damn this a good song, I hope I don’t get sick of it soon
2. Go away stupid headache!
3. Sunflower seeds are sooo not worth the trouble
4. I wonder if I should do somethin tonight...
name four things that you have done today:
1. Took a shower
2. Called people
3. Ate breakfast
4. Creative stuff....*cough*
name the last four things you have bought:
1. Bag of candy...with someone else’s money...hehehehe
2. Phone call
3. Gum
4. Clothes?
name four people you would like to spend more time with:
1. Jacob
2. Someone
3. Another someone4. And a third someone hehe
name four bands/groups most people don't know you like:
1. Everyone knows all the bands I like...
2. But I guess the most suprizing would be snoop dogg heh
3. Beyonce even tho she kinda annoys me
4. And eminem is thaaat baad
name four drinks you regularly drink:
1. Water
2. Chocolate milk
3. Orange juice
4. Certain other things...
name the last four people you have kissed/been kissed by:
1. Well don’t really wanna be displayin
2. this stuff around the internet I
3. decided that wasnt that cool
4. : )
name four random facts about yourself:
1. I think pot should be legalized
2. My standards are so high not even I can meet them
3. I just finished my 5th song a couple weeks ago, now all I need is to find someone to play it...
4. I think plain marshmellows are nasty