Wassup wassup. Still tired, BLUUUUGHHHH from AOD but it was a legit con fosho fosho. In an attempt to adhere to my New Year's resolution of presenting a more mature image for a mature individual such as myself, I'm going to try very hard to avoid spamming capslockcruisecontrol, but it's going to be very, very, veeeerrryyyy difficult because there is so much to freak out over at this con. Hnnnnghh
We ready for some tl;dr?
Okso. Woke up late, bluh bluh, whatever, got to the con around 11ish. Day started by hitting up the BART and then SF Muni, which would normally be a hugely daunting task due to my ineptitude with travel, directions, navigation, etc. Fortunately, I knew I was on the right track when a bunch of Vocaloid cosplayers in haphazardly-donned wigs and large, bustle-y dresses boarded the bus a couple stops after I got on. Good way to start the morning. Got to the hotel, set up my shiieeett and started selling. Pretty uneventful for the most part.
The con definitely picked up when a (here's one of those parts where I'm going to have to really force myself to not capslock like a fucking idiot) group of absolutely adorablenthusiastic Homestuck cosplayers saw my Kids and Fun print and freaked out, running over to my table. I saw them, saw their cosplays and also flipped the fuck out like some King Weasel
from a webcomic done in a similar vein as Homestuck. This would've been typical normal con behavior but I later felt stupid because we started screaming and yelling and flipping the fuck out at the same time as Announcer Guy giving his hourly announcements on his swanky headset that magnifies his voice by a lot. So dude with mic+screaming webcomic autists=worse than underage Hetalia fans. I am sorry. It was not my proudest moment. By the way, announcer guy? Totally awesome. Charismatic and witty without being forced or overbearing. I heard he was inebriated for most of the con, but whatever, he was fantastic. Loved him. Also really, really, really wanted to give him a red leather jacket and throw a beam katana in his hand. He would've been a perfect Travis Touchdown. But anyway, moving on...
Fagged out with that Homestuck group for a while. They were really fun and commissioned me a lot so they were my favorite people for a while. Later visited by my bestest chums Diana, Liz, and Kyle, later Lauren and Chobi (wait a flipping second, I don't think I know your real name! oAo ), and finally Reiko, Li, and Rhi (also fuck that whole nametagging thing it is a pain in the ass and ya'll know exactly who I'm talking about so it's whatever. But you're special enough for rainbow text). In between, talked with people about comics and animu and shit, (hopefully) converted a good handful of people to Homestuck, because they were asking about my print, and all around had a chill, relaxing time. I survived on a couple of tangerines, raisins, nuts, coffee, and a shitload of candy donated by the nice person across the hall with the Gentlemon and Toohoo buttons. Also saw a couple tripfags from /cgl/ but only for very briefly. THey had parties to attend, I'm sure.
Things started to slow down in the evening as people went to go do stuff. Started getting ready to pack up and head to dinner when...
(breaking my capslock rule here because it's fucking unavoidable)
Okay, nevermind, that sounds pretty bad. But seriously, wow, oh my god. Reiko came later in the day dressed as Jade which made me flip the fuck out even more because she was afuckingdorable and she told me her buddies (who I've actually seen in passing mention in a bunch of your guys' posts and stuff, but never had the pleasure of actually meeting, haha) were dressed as John and Dave and I was like all right that is fucking sweet so excited to see theOHMYGOD. They were so cute. So. So. So. So. SO CUTE. I'm pretty sure my heart stopped when I saw them walking over because how fucking adorable do you even HAVE TO BE. Shorts-John is now my headcanon.
Anyway, after I Hnnnnghhhh'd and diabeetused a little we chilled out a bit and waiting for my AA bro to finish some of her commissions so we could all go out to eat. The Kids+RhiLi went ahead to Jtown and then Bing, Liz, and I headed over soon after. We ended up catching them waiting in line for food anyway, so that worked out. Tragedy struck when the restaurant was out of curry for the evening (how does that even hapen) so we just got some specialty rolls. I wasn't too hungry because I was stuffing my fat face with fat-inducing candies and fat. Fatfatfat. My girth swelled that weekend, I'm sure.
Chatted with my bros a little before we headed off for crepes and they headed off for photos. Took the bus/BART home. Public transportation has a really wonderful culture of its own, especially on the weekends. These two dudes were bickering over something completely stupid at the Powell street station and carried on the argument onto the BART where they proceeded to get our half of the car involved in their argument, taking sides, etc. It was fucking hilarious, and probablysomething out of a Spike Lee movie. Black dudes arguing, patronizing white people nodding and attempting to kind of mesh with them, random onlookers, etc. I laughed all the way home.
Woke up late again, but so did Bing, so we ended up getting to the hotel together. Dressed as FemDaveStriderCoolKid because the BRoken Record shirt I got for cosplaying ended up being way too huge for me, so I just went with the one that actually fit, which was the chick shirt. S'ok. Brilliantly decided to wear my red hoodie with this ensemble so I could be mistaken for Canada from Hetalia (which happened, but it wasn't a big deal). Wig was hastily trimmed/styled and ended up looking even more like Canada. And also idkwig. I was messing with it all day. Boy, cosplaying sure is hard.
Morning was really really ridiculously stupidly slow and boring. Things picked up toward the afternoon, though. Homestuck commissioners never came by to pick up their stuff, but at least the art attracted people to the booth and got people curious about the series (YEAH!!!!!!!!). The creepy furry guy who manages to track me down at every convention found me again and while I was dreading working with him again, I was in a good enough mood and bored enough to take on the commission, which wasn't terrible (anthro character in Fallout-style armor/clothes. Does this give me points with my Fallout-playing bros or no?) . Later on, we kind of chatted and it turns out he's not that bad. I feel kind of terrible for freaking out over his commissions now because he's really just awkward as hell. I guess he just manages to get me at really hectic times and has a slow and detailed way of explaining his commissions. I'll just let him know next time. Now I feel bad for telling creeper stories about him. Homestuck brings peace and understanding to the world.
So there was that. Got another commission for Vriska (why do people love this huge bitch bluh bluh bluh!) who is actually really fun to draw so idk. Haha, the commissioner actually came to my table because he heard me playing MegaLoVania really loudly on my phone. Adorable John and Dave (Ok, Dave, I know you as Ellome and kind of stalked you guys through Reiko's LJ. ShortsJohn, what do I call you?) came by again and got me all excited and flustered. Took a couple coolkid pictures and chilled out with some other friends (FUCK I HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR NAMES ALREADY. The mafia Italy and Spain, I think? One of you guys was a Jackie, right? ). Di came by in her really cute Idolmaster costume and it was fun seeing a troop of brightly-colored/dressed lolis walking through our portion of the AA, hahaha. Hope your performance went well! Business peaked at around 2~3ish and started winding down shortly after. We packed up and left for food at around 6.
We finally got our coveted curry at one of the small restaurants nearest to the hotel. Our waitress was ridiculously cute. Not even a forced cute just like a spinal cord-tingling natural adorable voice and cute mannerisms middle-aged Japanese lady cute. I was buzzing the entire time because of ohmygodcute. Is this what moe feels like? It is a nice feeling. BARTed home again.
Excellent con was excellent. I am so excited for the next one. Con depression coming through. All aboard the unproductive-for-the-next-two-months express.