Dec 29, 2004 23:18
what a craaaaaazy night. while i tried so hard to show someone that i could be "normal" and keep my feet on the ground, someone else was trying to get me to think outside the box. and it really intrigued me. the conversation was very abstract, but basically, both of us are disillusioned with the world's ferocity. why are we so competitive with money, resources, and power when there is so much Bad in the world that we should be trying to fix? stuff that can be fixed with love and compassion? and why do such conversations make us feel like outsiders looking in? people have other things on their minds. they can't be bothered to look outside the bubble that they live in. but i really feel that our lives can be enriched by the process. though i've been 'de-friended' for it, i believe that this perspective is my reason for living. if i can open your mind, and show you love, my life has not been lived in vain. yet people [and by this i mean big picture. read: world leaders and prominent people] make us think that pety things matter more. i wish that people could think of more than just themselves. there's a whole world of people out there that could use your love and your compassion. what is personal gain if your brothers and sisters cannot partake in it too?
"change happens through love.....this stuff must just be a test to see if we can overcome all the violence and fear and send vibes of love."
and i think i've just figured out a little part of my Meaning of Life.