The Ultimate Kissing Survey
Age of first kiss: 13
Number of people you've kissed: mmm. my number's too big. i was once a make-out whore.
French kissing is: best
The worst kind of kiss is: with a biter. ouch.
The best kisser you know: i can't tell you.
The worst kisser you know: oh god. i can't tell you that either.
The celebrity you'd like to kiss: aidian from sex and the city. joey tribiani. and michael j. fox.
Friend you would like to kiss: nicholas?
Favorite movie kiss: wedding singer.
Do you kiss on the first date? sure.
Eyes open or closed? closed.
Average number of kisses you get a day: we're in the negative numbers.
Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? no!
The last person you kissed: drew
Best placed to be kissed: bass locker
Have you kissed someone of the same sex? no
What about the opposite sex? yes.
Do you consider kissing cheating? circumstances?
The longest you've gone without a kiss: aside from the initial 12 years... 2 years, after the adam fiasco.
The kiss you regret most is: the ones leading up to adam's fiasco.
Kissing in public is: unacceptable in most situations.
Tongue rings are: sexy. so sexy.
Two girls kissing is: a lot like two girls kissing?
Two guys kissing is: a lot like two guys kissing?