Jan 25, 2004 03:26
just went outside for a bit.... when i came in i got this really really weird feeling... i dunno its really lonely. i wish liz coulda stayed. its just.... i dunno the tv was, it was black because it was on the video kinda screen and when i turned it off it looked really weird. i dunno the house seems weird... its just empty and the light souces are just.... i dunno they just are! im feeling very alone. dead vibes coming from the house and all. ive just been getting weird vibes from the house all day. ill probably have trouble gettingto sleep. and im not looking forward to tomorrow because i gotta go to the pistons game with the swim team. this day has been really weird. we had swim practice at groves cuz they shocked seaholms pool so the chlorene levels quite high. and groves' pool just had very odd vibes coming fromit. i didnt like it and that kinda set the mood for the day. i should probably try to get some sleep but i need to hear someones voice.
good night
to the stars, so bright.
and the night
feels comforting
but the house
lonely and odd
sounds of pipes and such
the vibes seeming too much
lonely and cold
wanting you here
warm and near
familiar feeling
peaceful and healing
wishing wont do
not bringing me to
so good night
to the stars so bright
and goodnight to the house
vibes of fright.