Jan 03, 2006 11:00
new years eve by a strange little lake with fire and music and face-painting, a sign that reads "gizmo" apparently pronounced "jizmoe", thursday and tool and propaghandi blasting out of black truck speakers, two of us in a tiny bottom bunk bed, top bunk too low, too much loud snoring, getting no sleep.
one of my songs is being used in a surf video which will be premiering not too long from now. how rad is that? i guess josh really does like my music.
i haven't written them down yet, but maybe i will right now...
in this beautiful new year of 2006, i will make a conscious effort to:
eat less cheese, learn and practice the art of raw "cooking", play music every day, start and maintain a garden, use more of my creative energy towards visual arts (for home and street purposes), start a new project every time i finish one, actually finish projects i start, always be reading a book, meditate every day, practice yoga every day, ride my bike as often as possible, exercise in other ways when i can't ride my bike, get enough sleep, do exeedingly well in massage school and learn everything i can possibly learn from the experience, play more shows!, write new songs more often, actually write songs at all with justin and brett so our sweet sweet band can get its ass in gear, be in love with every moment of my life, realize how grateful i am for every person i come in contact with, spend more time outside, start camping on a regular basis, talk to my sisters regularly, tell my parents i love them every time it crosses my mind, surf as much as possible and actually get good at it!, learn how to skateboard (finally!), have lots of potlucks and skillshares, not be afraid, not be jealous, not be stressed, not be easily overwhelmed, be able to pay for rent (or mortgage?) and water and electricity and food without having to get a lame job (perhaps the most challenging of them all...),
well, that does it for now. maybe more later...
by the way, though cheezy at times (which i believe was the intention), King King is a very good movie and definitely worth seeing while it's out in theatres. it really is a powerful view of the current state of human ignorance, fear, and the delusional belief that we have dominion over nature. the whole row of us were holding back tears. except for me, who let them loose into justin's shirt as soon as we stepped out of the theatre. ha. ha. i am serious though! i was ready to run around the city liberating animals from zoos and pet shops and leashes and all in the name of love!!! ha. ha. anyway, go see it...