Jul 10, 2005 00:39
I took my Benadryl, and I even had some chamomile tea. I guess I'm just writing to tire my eyes out a little. Sometimes when I cant sleep I make up haiku poems in my head. Maybe I'll write some as part of this "tiring out". I ate some cereal. I think it helped my heartburn. EW!! There was just a waterbug on thr floor. I tried to kill it but it was too fast. Those things gross me out. I hope Indy will get it. She's staking it out now.
waterbugs scurry
I'm not a fan of the things
go away, you waterbugs
Does Indy see one?
They come in from the outside
to be chased by cats
The loudest snoring
can be done by my husband
when I need some sleep
Violet sleeps soundly
Not at all like her mama
who sleeps fitfully
I'm feeling more tired
Will I be able to sleep
tonight? I hope so.
I don't want to pace
I do it sometimes at night
when I'm not sleeping
Final Fantasy
Maybe I should play the game
until I can sleep?