Sep 06, 2004 22:59
Well, the storm is finally over! Yeah, time to get back to normal. At least until next weekend when and if Ivan hits us. My theory is that Charley hit the west coast, Frances hit the East, and Ivan is going to come on the Southern coast and go straight north. After that we will be done for a long time. I
I have discovered a bad pattern with my work schedule and the hurricanes. I have only been scheduled as a resort spare three times in my career here. Once was the day after Charley, the second was today (day after Frances) and the third is this coming Sunday (Ivan is supposed to hit on saturday according to the projected path). Interesting huh? Let's hope that this is just a very big coincidence and not a regular thing.
But now onto something besides the storm. At work today I really felt like I have become a veteran of the system and I have only been here for 2 1/2 months. I had a girl that was working with me named Jenna and it was her first day. She was so confused about everything and needed a lot of help. It can be very overwhelming to be doing this stuff on the first couple of weeks as I know very well. After training they kinda throw you right to the wolves. So I kinda adopted her for the day and showed her all the stuff that she needed. After our shift we had about 45 mins before clocking out so I showed her how to use the portal and schedules and all that. She got the hang of it after awhile. It was just strange to already be a person who knows instead of a newbie like I was a few weeks ago. How fast times change down here. Not to say I know everything, but I get by.
My shifts look pretty crappy coming up. I am doing spare shifts which are not fun and kinda boring all next week. I am hoping to pick up some and make up for the lost money from over the weekend. But I hope that my schedule is not a reflection of job performance cause I work my ass off down here and think I do a great job. My managers all tell me that I am doing just great. I wonder if I pissed someone off in scheduling to get such crappy shifts. Or it could be just low attendance. Who knows.
I had a strange idea over the past couple days. I want to start writing a tv show about life at Eastern. I kinda got the idea from Jen from a long time ago. She said that she was going to write one but forgot about it. Now I really would like to try and write something. But the twist is that I want to write with my friends up at school to make it really funny. I was thinking about calling up Aaron, J.J., and some other members of Hello Dali to join my writing force as well as other friends to help out. I think it would be fun to write with everyone and produce an actually good show script. But who knows. It probably will never make it past this stage, but it would be cool.
Other than that, nothing has really happened lately. Still doing what I am doing.