Feb 01, 2009 02:40
If anyone missed out, I've got some tickets. Throw out an offer for a pair for either night.
E-mail me at heywoodhead@yahoo.com, and we'll talk. I'm not naming a price, so just throw out an offer on what you can spend.
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Also - I went to your journal and this:
Wihtout factoring in all the fees I'll need to pay ebay and the money paypal took out and shipping, I made $200 on those Phish tickets.
I'll be waking up bright and early tomorrow.
Soooo...you sold them already?
It's more legal than selling drugs.
I'll admit what I'm doing may not be all that ethical, but hey, I'm in the same boat when it comes to Jimmy Eat World tickets in Chicago. I want 'em, but unless I'm ready to pay $300+ for a pair, I'm up shit creek without a paddle.
I don't LIKE the fact that I'm doing this, as I actually want to go to the show, but my economic situation dictates that I should not go myself, and I need the money.
I'm not telling you all that I want $2000 for one ticket. I'm telling you to let me know what you can pay.
You stay classy, too, since you know all about me and are of course free to judge me.
And in regard to my post, I was able to get Noblesville tickets on Friday. It was significantly easier than the Alpine Valley tickets on Saturday morning for reasons unknown.
This is a community for fans of the band, not for scumbag scalpers. Try this at a show, you'll get laughed off of the lot.
Read a couple of posts back. It's because of scalpers like YOU flooding the system that real fans aren't able to get tickets. And that's a damn shame.
You have to defend yourself because what you're doing is wrong, and you're trying to pull it in a community of people who are on to you, and who are diametrically opposed to this way of taking advantage of fans and their love of the band. GTFO, seriously. I don't feel sorry for you and I doubt anyone else here will.
What you're missing, dearie, is that this isn't about capitalism. It's great that you "know...some people ARE stupid enough to think it's worth it to pay for it." Glad to know you think that Phish fans are stupid. As far as "quitting life and following some shitty band all over creation" -- gimme a fucking break. Obviously, you are not a fan, you are a scalper and you are lame.
If you're in this for capitalism and economics, you're a scalper. Thanks for proving my point. Now kindly GTFO and take your bullshit elsewhere. Tell your husband he's a cool guy for being able to respond to me himself.
She wouldn't have gone with me if I were going anyway. She hates jam bands. Hell, I don't like most of 'em, but Phish is actually able to keep my interest over a 75 minute rendition of a song without the use of drugs, so I like them.
Lol, you're the one who needs the waaambulance, son. You ARE shuffling out your poor me story. And you're a lame-ass bitch for sending in your wifeycakes to fight your battles for you.
I don't wear tie-dye or play hacky sack, I have no relation to any of the stereotypes you mentioned. YOU are the stereotype. With every response you're proving yourself to be lamer and lamer. I'm not attacking your "character", I'm calling it like I see it and attacking your ACTIONS. Grow the fuck up.
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