Oct 03, 2010 23:53
Today we salute you, Mr. Unspecified Word Processor Dictionary Programmer Guy. (You know which one we’re talkin’ about!)
Without your devotion to all words processed through a dictionary, we would never have been lulled into a false sense of accurate spelling security that led to our own tragic homophonic doom. (Gotta watch the homophones!)
Yes, Mr. Programmer Guy, you alone have given us a platform that recognizes words like Spock and floccinaucinihilipilification but comes up blank for spork. (What the hell is that about?)
So here’s to you, Mr. Unspecified Word Processor Dictionary Programmer Guy. Have a cold one on us. (Mr. Unspecified Word Processor Dictionary Programmer Guy!)
This above me is not mine sadly. It's Angel Baby1 from fanfiction.net. She's bloody brilliant and I just had to post this because it's totally fucking true.