50: Run 12 Tabletop RPG Sessions

Feb 13, 2012 13:57

WHAT: Run twelve sessions of any tabletop RPG.

WHY: I am proud to be a second generation gamer. Geeking out with my friends makes me happy, and I don't do it often enough. When I started, this was run or play because I had, at the time, just wanted to get back into tabletop gaming as it's something that I love. Now, as I'm taking a break from running, I realize playing, as much as I love it and want to do it, doesn't have the same weight. I've tried, in the past, to run games... and then I just run away at the first sign of complication. I'm really proud to have run eight sessions, even if some were clumsy. Hell, especially because some are clumsy, because my ability to get over my frustration with not being perfect and keep running is a good part of why this is important.

HOW: Over Skype, apparently! Since location was always tricky and I had friends online who wanted to play, we've started playing over Skype. It's a little tricky sometimes and doesn't have the same feel as playing face to face, but it's worked really well overall. And it lets me stay at home and lay in bed... which makes it easier for me to actually follow through.

STATUS: Eight sessions done! We've hit a nice pausing point, so Scott's jumped in to run a few sessions of his game. We're planning on switching back when the opportunity arises. I'm concerned that people won't like my game as much once playing in his, but I'm trying to ignore that voice and work on getting my shit together to make my game better.

NOTES: There are a few things I think I really need to do in the interim to make my game better, so I wanted to jot them down.
  • I need to organize my notes and find all those questions left unanswered, plot threads left dangling and NPCs with uncertain fates. Then I need to answer those questions, tie up those threads and figure out what's going on with those NPCs.
  • I want to flesh out some of the important organizations a bit more and give the cities more life. I feel like I'm throwing them into an incomplete world... because I am. This issue will be addressed further in numbers 32 and 48.
  • I want to find a better way to keep notes. My current method is very disorganized which is doing a disservice to the players given that my memory is not particularly good.
  • I would like, as well, to start preparing for the sessions a bit better. I'm doing an okay job, and I want to avoid overpreparing, but I know the world would feel more real and the game would be more engaging if I were more prepared.
I've got time to work on this stuff. I should make use of it.

geek, 50, details

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