Aug 11, 2014 10:36
So, yeah, I should've done this a couple months ago. Technically, my 1001 days were up on May 30. I've noticed some decline in my habits since I stopped maintaining a list, so I want to start up a new one and get back on track, but that requires first tying up the old one, taking stock of how well the first run through went.
First, it should be noted that I am marking these complete:
5. Go on two wine tastings/tours. (:P to my modified goal of hitting 3.)
6. Cook a dozen different soups.
18. Get my triglycerides to within a healthy range.
43. Make and share a dozen mixes. (<3 Spotify)
45. Watch 25 TED Talks.
51. Update my domains once per year.
63. Stock wine rack.
77. Organize and host five social events.
There are also a few other things I started (like writing poems) or am proud of (losing 80 pounds), but let's look at the statistics instead. I completed 55 of 101 goals, but I made progress on a lot more, for a total of 86% completion overall. I'm really proud of that.
One of the things I learned in doing this is that, after a year or two, not all the goals are as relevant as they were when I started... and I felt okay letting those slip to the wayside while I focused instead on the things which were more important.
Right now, I want to focus on putting together a new list. We'll see how long that takes. Hopefully, I'll be ready to start by September again, which is what I did last time. Wish me luck!