May 28, 2013 15:33
1. Eat 20 home-cooked dinners in one month. - COMPLETE!!
This one has been difficult, but we started budgeting... and realized where we could save the most money was on food given that we were eating out for both lunch and dinner most days. This month, we saved at least $200 just by cooking at home and packing lunches some days. I've also lost weight, getting past that plateau where I'd been stuck for a while.
21. Lose 100 pounds.
I'm officially half way there by monthly average. 50 down, 50 to go. It's starting to be noticeable, not just in how my clothes fit or how my body isn't always angry at me, but also in my face, in how I look. That offers a bit of incentive. I mean, to have lost over 40 pounds without any visible evidence was a bit disheartening, but it's becoming increasingly obvious.
38. Read 15 books.
Fine, it was a comic book, but it was a good one, so nyah!
41. Listen to 25 Moth or Radiolab podcasts.
I honestly don't remember what we listened to this week, but I'm sure there was at least one Radiolab broadcast while in the car with J.
45. Watch 25 Ted Talks.
Up to 14. Watched two this month, one regarding giving from the founder of redditgifts, and one about stories by the gentleman behind Humans of New York.
78. Share 6 meals with people I don't see often.
We've started a girls' night. This month, it was me, mom, my sister-in-law, a cousin and two aunts. There may be more at our next get together in July. It was a lot of fun.
A decent month with some major milestones, even if I'm leaving most of the list untouched.