Still here, I swear! Because it's been a while, it might be difficult for me to actually figure out what I've done since the last post, so I may take a different approach to this update. There are a couple items of note before I get to that, though.
First, I started using
SuperBetter recently after watching
this TED talk, and it focuses on doing little things to get big things done as well as using power-ups (small, positive things you can do easily) to build up the energy to do quests (things which are challenging). I really, really like the system, even if the interface leaves a lot to be desired.
One of the reasons I like it as much as I do is that it helped me come to a pretty big realization about how I've been approaching this list. Several of the items are about adopting new, better habits (e.g. 1, 13 and 79), and part of adopting habits is being consistent. So, with that in mind, I've been giving up--essentially hitting reset--every time I stumble... which means, further, that I just stop trying until I feel like starting again. This is just plain stupid. Part of forming a habit is continuing despite setbacks, even when it's hard. One of the major goals of even doing this 101 list is to keep pushing past failure. I am trying a different approach to these things, which means I might change the wording on some items on the list. The goal isn't to do something x number of times in a row. It's to pick up a habit. I should be able to judge when it's feeling natural and not forced, like how well #12 went. I'm drinking nothing but water now, with only occasional treats of a bit of soda or a little juice. (Okay, fine, and a latte in the morning, but I'll fix that when I hit my stride with #13.)
So, all of that said, how have I been doing with this thing?
DONE (10)
8: Make my own ice cream.
12: Replace all juice consumption with water.
50: Run at least 12 tabletop sessions.
56: Clean out and sell the Saturn. Send tags back.
61: Put lock or latch on spare bedroom door.
66: Put $50 per month into savings.
83: Document the places in my dreams.
91: Get a passport.
96: Get to work on time every day for 2 weeks straight.
101: Put 101 things on this list.
14: Eat fish once per week for two months.
18: Get triglycerides to within a healthy range.
20: Go to bed by 1am every work night for a month.
21: Lose 100 pounds. (28 so far!)
38: Read 15 books. (Slow, but active...)
43: Make and share at least a dozen mixes. (3)
49: Display six pieces of geekery in my cubicle. (5!)
53: Expand wardrobe.
67: Put $10 into savings for every goal completed. ($100!)
71: Give six fantastic, thoughtful gifts. (4)
79: Call my brother once per week for 8 weeks. (Redefine?)
95: Go eight weeks without calling out of work. (4, though I went home early once.)
97: Meet all my quarterly goals for a full year. (2)
99: Post 25 progress updates. (21)
2: Eat at ten new-to-me restaurants. (4)
9: Find a half-dozen beers that I like. (2)
41: Listen to 25 Moth or Radiolab podcasts. (2)
45: Watch 25 TED talks. (10)
52: Compile a wishlist of 25 items worth saving for.
73: Go to at least two events in town. (1 - Does Rocky twice count?)
77: Organize and host five social events. (2)
78: Share six meals with people I don't see often. (2)
86: Make a bucket list of 50 long term goals. (4)
98: Update all my major account spreadsheets.
100: Document the what, why and how of each goal.
7: Create 3 ice cream recipes of my own. (Kitchen is too hot right now.)
10: Make 3 custard-based ice creams. (As above.)
51: Update my domains once per year. (Can wait till next year...)
69: Go to a café in Paris. (Cruise!)
70: Eat tapas in Spain. (Cruise!)
75: Go to the work Gala in January.
89: Try port wine in Portugal. (Cruise!)
1: Eat 20 home-cooked dinners in one month.
3: Eat at three restaurants run by famous chefs.
4: Eat six unusual meats.
5: Go on 2 wine tastings/tours.
6: Cook a dozen different soups.
11: Try a dozen new wines.
13: Eat a healthy breakfast every workday for a month.
15: Exercise twice per week for eight weeks.
16: Get my septum repierced.
17: Get Ourobouros scarred.
19: Get two tattoos, including Auryn.
22: Walk a mile.
23: Take 3 yoga classes.
25: Construct my own language.
26: Learn how to play french tarot.
27: Make a scrapbook.
28: Make my own soap.
29: Participate in Nanowrimo.
30: Repaint the yellow bookcase.
31: Sew a quilt.
32: Complete 2 MicroStation classes.
33: Create 6 maps, at least 2 of which are digital.
34: Write my mortality memoir.
35: Write 10 poems.
36: Write three short stories (fantasy).
37: Write three short stories (modern).
39: Go to two Met. Opera shows at the movie theatre.
40: List a dozen books on bookmooch.
42: Listen to and review twenty albums in full.
44: Visit three museums.
46: Watch 10 cult movies I haven't seen yet.
47: Complete entries for 25 deities.
48: Complete design for 10 towns or cities.
54: Keep the banister clean for eight weeks.
55: Clean out the bedroom closets.
57: Clean and organize the kitchen cabinets.
58: Do laundry for six consecutive months.
59: Store and organize our games.
60: Get rid of six bags or boxes of junk.
62: Clean and repair the spare bedroom.
63: Stock wine rack.
64: Set up a household budget with Justin.
65: Get a credit card in my own name.
68: Bake cookies to share with a dozen people.
72: Create a social space for gaming at home.
74: Go to three shows or concerts.
76: Mail 25 personal notes or postcards.
80: Complete the 32 paths of The Shining Paths.
81: Define 'community' and work towards achieving it.
82: Design my own divination deck (min. 22 cards).
84: Go fishing.
85: Identify 101 things which make me happy.
87: Perform 12 tarot readings for others.
88: Try 5 different forms of divination.
90: Create three themed lists of places to visit.
92: Take a long train trip.
93: Take a weekend trip somewhere random.
94: Visit Justin's family three times.
24: Attend or host at least one storytelling event.
I held one online as part of game, and it was a ton of fun. The stories people told thrilled me! I'm not 100% convince this counts.
Phew! So, I'm getting shit done. But... there's also a lot of stuff I haven't even touched yet. I'm working on that. Passively ;P