101 in 1001

Jan 31, 2011 12:14

I started talking about doing this when Elf began hers, oh, a whole two years ago. I'd periodically update the list with every intention of starting as soon as I could flesh the damned thing out to 101 items. This year, I got sick of putting it off. I put everything off. I can't keep doing that. So, I finished the fucking list. Now that it's finished, I'm going to do it. I know that I won't do everything on this list entirely perfectly, if at all. That's not what this is about. If I can achieve even a fraction of what's here, my life will be better. I will be better. That is the goal here. It will help me to go into something I know I can't complete perfectly. It will force me to wade through what my brain flags as failure and acknowledge what parts of it are still success. It will get me into some good habits. Hopefully.

So, here, for accountability's sake, is the list. If any of you want to give this a try with me, the companionship will be appreciated.

Start Date: 2/1/2011
End Date: 10/29/2013

1 Go on two wine tastings/tours.
2 Make 3 shots from My Jello Americans.
3 Eat at three restaurants run by famous chefs.
4 Eat six unusual meats.
5 Eat at ten new-to-me restaurants.
6 Try a dozen new beers.
7 Try a dozen new wines.
8 Learn recipes for and cook a dozen soups.
9 Try a dozen new cheeses.
10 Eat fish once per week.
11 Cook at least three meals per week.
12 Get my septum repierced.
13 Get Ourobouros scarred.
14 Get triglycerides to within a healthy range.
15 Find a low-impact exercise option.
16 Get two tattoos, including Auryn.
17 Dye my hair three different colors.
18 Lose x pounds. (Amount define on my copy of the list.)
19 Eat breakfast at home every workday for a month.
20 Drink one gallon of soy milk per week.
21 Drink 32 oz. of water per weekday.
22 Repaint the yellow bookcase.
23 Attend or host at least one storytelling event.
24 Construct my own language.
25 Make a scrapbook.
26 Make my own soap.
27 Sew a quilt.
28 Participate in Nanowrimo.
29 Write my mortality memoir.
30 Make and wear the Lovers/Devil costumes.
31 Write three short stories (modern).
32 Write three short stories (fantasy).
33 Create character portfolio with 15 profiles.
34 Write at least 50 entries in my character journal.
35 Write one poem, regardless of quality, per month.
36 Update my wank journal at least once per week.
37 Go to two Met. Opera shows at the movie theatre.
38 Visit three museums.
39 Watch at least ten cult movies I haven't seen yet.
40 Make and share at least a dozen mixes.
41 List a dozen books on bookmooch.
42 Listen to and review fifty albums in full.
43 Finish one non-comic book per month.
44 Update my domains once per year.
45 Display six pieces of geekery in my cubicle.
46 Write 6 MMOs for the Casual Gamer reviews.
47 Complete ten items on Mininesse to do list.
48 Run or play in at least 12 tabletop sessions.
49 Complete 25 things on my Shang to-do list.
50 Expand wardrobe. (Specific needs noted on my copy of the list.)
51 Compile a wishlist of 25 items.
52 Find a clothes-storage solution. And use it!
53 Put lock or latch on spare bedroom door.
54 Clean out the bedroom closets.
55 Clean off the banister. Keep it clean for 8 weeks.
56 Do laundry at least once per month.
57 Get rid of one box/bag of clutter per month.
58 Clean out the fridge once per month.
59 Keep wine rack stocked.
60 Clean out the car every month.
61 Spend two hours per week cleaning.
62 Get a credit card in my own name.
63 Put ~$50 per month into savings. Do not touch.
64 Budget with Justin once per month.
65 Reconnect with mom. (How? Be more specific.)
66 Goto the work Gala in January.
67 Do something nice for our neighbors.
68 Go to at least two events in town.
69 Go to three shows/concerts, preferably with Eric.
70 Organize and host five social events.
71 Share six meals with people I don't see often.
72 Give six fantastic, thoughtful gifts.
73 Bake cookies to share with a dozen people.
74 Mail 100 personal notes or postcards.
75 Spend one day per month with my brother.
76 Go on a date with my husband every month.
77 Spend Sunday mornings cuddling with Justin.
78 Dote upon my husband. (Yes, that's a euphemism and it does have a frequency defined.)
79 (Private.)
80 Learn Hebrew.
81 Go fishing.
82 Practice two forms of divination besides tarot.
83 Design my own divination deck (min. 22 cards).
84 Complete the 32 paths of The Shining Paths.
85 Identify 101 things which make me happy.
86 Pull a tarot card for the day every day.
87 Spend at least ten minutes per day meditating.
88 Document the places in my dreams.
89 Perform at least one tarot reading per week.
90 Take a long train trip. (To Seattle/Alaska!?)
91 See the Northern Lights.
92 Visit Almudena Cathedral.
93 Take a weekend trip somewhere random.
94 Visit Justin's family three times.
95 Get to work on time every day for 2 weeks straight.
96 Meet all my quarterly goals at work.
97 Empty out my SAP Inbox by Friday each week.
98 Complete a weekly checklist for these goals.
99 Post a monthly progress report for this list.
100 Check in with Justin to help with his list.
101 Put 101 things on this list.

Some of the items have a frequency defined on my own copy of the list which I didn't include up there. Everything is measurable. Everything is organized. And yeah, the last one was kind of a gimme, but it was also an achievement two years in the making, so it deserves to be on there. I wouldn't be going forward with this at all if I hadn't done that.

I want to work on breaking some of these things down into smaller goals. For instance, to lose weight, I'll need to buy a scale to measure my progress. To lower my triglyceride level, I'll need to go to the doctor to get a baseline and discuss a healthy goal, as well as go back to get retested at some point to check my progress. Some of the items will be ongoing, so I'll need to figure ways to work them into my weekly or monthly lists so that they don't all go ignored for months and months.

This is going to be a challenge, but I think I'm ready.

101, heading in the right direction, lists, adventures

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