Jan 07, 2011 18:45
Four day weekend... Sort of. We have to head down to Culpeper on Tuesday for a follow up court date. Hoping it goes more quickly than the last one. Worked my tush off the past few days to try to clean out my inbox, but got too much new work coming in to catch up. Still, I got enough done that nothing pressing will either fall on someone else our be waiting for me when I get back.
Mostly, I'm just writing this to practice with swype. I'm getting faster and more accurate every day. I thought I wouldn't like it, but it is awesome. Much faster than typing, which means I want to use it more, but I've got so fucking little to say today.
Maybe I'll grow spontaneously more interesting on Tuesday and spew something marvelous while in the rental car.
Posted via LjBeetle
good things