Jul 11, 2006 18:42
I just can't be bothered to be in a good mood today. I had such a nice weekend, such a quiet, refreshing Monday. But Tuesday just plain stinks. It's always been my bad day for some reason, and today is no exception. I just keep getting bad news. Even if it's little things, they pile up. And add to that the fact that I woke up this afternoon feeling like crap and have not been able to fall back asleep despite effort... yeah, fuck Tuesday.
It's a shame, too, cuz there was good stuff today as well. I wrote something that wasn't game-related for the first time in ages; I had a great conversation with my mother this morning; my brother told me a geeky, punny joke that he made up himself which made me laugh.
All that considered, I still don't want to buck up and smile.
I want to pout and grump.
So nyah!