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Comments 3

doubletake April 19 2011, 17:45:03 UTC
Haha, at least you don't do what I do: wait two-three-four-five weeks 'just to see if it shows up' and then try to cancel.
"Alright ma'm, when did you lose your card?"
"Oh, um, um.......*tiny voice* can I plead the fifth?"


petrichor_fizz April 19 2011, 23:03:09 UTC
Agh that is so annoying! One time my wallet showed up at the police station right after I'd cancelled my cards. Although more than anything I was bowled over by the fact that anyone bothered to take a lost wallet to the police station, I guess humanity is not COMPLETELY doomed.


newtypeshadow April 20 2011, 01:56:33 UTC
Aw :( It sucks that you'd already cancelled the credit cards.

BUT--it is awesome that you found the wallet, and that it remained in your house! *relieved for you*



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