
Mar 29, 2011 12:54

(first Sherlock fanfic. not my 100% best, but it's not bad, IMO.) *shrug*

title: Concern
author: phinnia
fandom: sherlock
genre: gen
characters: john watson, sherlock, random evildoer type :)
rating: G
disclaimer: a wandering minstrel i, a thing of shreds and patches. i own nothing.
spoilers: a minor one for "a study in pink"
author's notes: written for : The Case of the Lost Hour. Never written for this fandom before. :)

oh god please let me live

He remembers that stone-frozen hour as a hostage, the thick, angry voice of the Taliban holding him still and time dripping by slow slower slowest - all he could think, all that ran through his head was one simple entreaty: 'oh god, please let me live' - the smell of cordite, gunpowder and oil - 'oh god please let me live' - the coolhotempty muzzle of the gun held against his temple - 'oh god please let me live' - the moist, stinking breath of his captor, laughing -

The door rattles -

A shout -

A shot rings out -

Oh god please let me

"John?" Sherlock shaking him awake; concern in his own way.

John sighs. "Sorry ... I had a nightmare."

Sherlock rolls his eyes. "Obvious."

sherlock, fanfic, ate too many fannish cookies again

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