
Jul 08, 2010 14:25

The right side of my face is numb. I have a temporary crown. :p Also, my neck hurts from lying in the dentist's chair for nearly two hours.

But other than that, things are actually quite okay.

I'm thinking of asking my voc rehab counsellor for help finding a job doing part-time or freelance writing/reviewing for something (magazines, newspapers, etcetera). I might as well use my current skills for something. It just feels like the right thing for me to be doing right now.

(I don't need an expensive degree to validate my intelligence. I don't need an expensive degree to validate my intelligence. Must write this out fifty times or until it sinks in, or maybe tattoo it on some easily viewed piece of skin. Because I don't. Really. Except that I'm afraid that I do.)

(Also, i will post more often, really i will. because i love you all. *mwah*)

Sean is going to Easter Seals camp in ten days (OMFG TEN DAYS WHAT). I just bought him new swimming things and l need to make a quick trip to the resale shop for more summer clothes for him to take along. They have horseback riding and swimming and boating and he'll be gone for SIX ENTIRE DAYS and as if that wasn't awesome enough on its own RESPITE FUNDS WILL PAY FOR IT NO RLY. Chris is taking the week off from work. I don't know if we can afford to go away, but even staying at home with the peace and quiet will be AWESOME.

some excellent clickies:

captors kept stolen tiger content with water and friskies cat food. Okay, A - why steal a tiger and two camels, and 2 - can you IMAGINE the WTF the poor tiger must have felt? Eating out of those teeny cans? WHAT.

52, 503 roman coins discovered That's 160kg of coins - or over 350 pounds if i have my conversions right. There are good pictures. :)

italian tourists end up in wrong sydney WHOOPS. um. yeah.

octopus predicts world cup results And now that he's not picked Germany in the final, fans of the German team are threatening to eat him. I wish I were making this up. WHAT.

phin is behind on life again, phin goes blah blah blah

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