clickies and stuff

Apr 26, 2010 13:33

thanks to mactavish, boozymatic and dandelion_diva

penguins can jump as high as 6ft in the air (video link.)

existence of loch ness monster beyond doubt in 1938

fishnet anklets knitting pattern these are fabulous. do want. <3

homemade baked cheese crisps mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. cheese. this sounds fantastic.

especially for reannon and shutterbug_12: west wing guest star quiz. (I'm sure there are other West Wing fans out there, but most of you have yet to identify yourselves where i can see you. <3

world's largest telescope to be built in Chile

the dead elephant was poisioned, says Kiev zoo and the plot thickens. poor elephant.

otter carrying soda can i have a soft spot for animals that carry things. Neko carries things in his mouth. And then he tosses them and plays fetch with himself. It's completely adorable.

aliens may pose risks to future, according to stephen hawking

the anatomy of a yawn otherwise known as 'OMGCUTEKITTY /ded'

wooly thoughts It's math and knitting/crocheting and it's full of AWESOME.

computers seized at home of Gizmodo employee who wrote about iPhone doesn't this fall under freedom of the press? I don't know, honestly.

Not much of interest today. Bought new sheets on sale (striped ones! 50% off! omg!) and one of those hand shower things so my OT can install it on Wednesday or possibly Thursday. May go back and pick up another sheet set on Friday before the sale ends. Have gluten free dairy free donuts, Lindor truffles and ice cream. Now it is time to do algebra homework, then write things. Sean has no afterschool program today (the program is undergoing an Important State Audit) but he has ABA therapy for the better part of the week in the evenings, which is AWESOME. He's only had one session so far, but it seems to be going really well. <3 Good times.

penguins are awesome, knitting, my friends are awesome

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