
Apr 16, 2010 18:08

note from Sean's teacher today:

during snack, Sean was saying “Mama” over and over in the sweetest voice.

He was doing this yesterday, too. *ded of cute*

He went on a field trip to the Experience Music Project today with the fourth grade class. (He actually got a special invitation from the fourth grade class to go with them. Have I mentioned how much I adore this school he's in?)

Apparently he had an awesome time there, and also afterward playing in the Seattle Center fountain.

I, on the other hand, spent a large portion of the day resting popping percocet. Stupid flare. Ugh. Pain was bad enough that I ended up missing class, which I do not like, but have clearance to do on bad days like this one.


from everyone: cat playing with iPad I confess, I kind of want an iPad. They have a lot of biology-learning apps which will be handy (and I like the idea of a bigger screen, plus i can't stand touch screens on my phone).

from datagoddess: knit liquid sculpture OMG. this is a must-watch. (vision required, sound not necessary as it's just background music, but I think it adds a little something if you can have it on).

dr. who's new crew has superheroes on the mind

producer steven moffat on the new 'doctor who'

these two articles also talk about the episode Neil Gaiman is writing for the show.

three clips and an intro from Matt and Karen to 'Victory of the Daleks'

how are you? I'm feeling ... at least somewhat better than before, but still worse than usual.

good things that have happened recently: i'm doing well in math (yay! omg! wtf?!), i made excellent use of a 40% off coupon at the art store, I have some packages and letters to send out soon, and best of all i had an epic banana split with vanilla bean, 'starburst' (strawberry+raspberry+mango+some-other-fruit) ice creams and strawberry rhubarb sorbet. On the top it had caramel sauce, hot fudge and strawberry compote, plus whipped cream and a for-real-cherry, not those marachino things.


(locals: if you want your own, go to your nearest molly moon ice cream and get the Anna Banana Split. Although their waffle cones are good too. They always have at least a couple of sorbets if you don't do dairy (i'm thinking in particular of arjache and Seaners although I'm sure there are more.) But go soon, before they change the strawberry rhubarb sorbet to something else.)

dr. who, ate too many fannish cookies again, my boy is awesome

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