I forget this sort of thing, every year. The child comes home on the last day of school with little packages marked 'for mom and dad' - things he has made in AHRT class - and i cry an embarassing amount in reality, only a small amount, but - yeah. still crying mother over child's art creations. *embarassed*
pictures later when i can find my camera - this year's creations were a soapdish, four tree ornaments (all in clay - yes, the school has a kiln.) several other tree ornaments (in paper and pinecone), a jinglybell door hanger that will get used long after holidays are over (i <3 jingly door hangers. i have many of them, in different pitches, to tell me when short people are getting into rooms they shouldn't be getting into. it is an excellent plan.) and a glue/glittery/magnet pictureframe.
He's lost a lot of his tactile issues around getting his hands dirty over the past few years, which is very awesome. (this is one of the major benefits about having the same aide. i hope she stays around forever and ever. i swear i would pay her in gold and silver if i could. she is so amazing.)
i, by contrast, am totally boring. i am trying to shop. i am sleeping too damn much. i am still too damn tired. i am extremely frustrated by this combination of things. Shouldn't they cancel each other out? Am I doing something wrong? Stupid broken body autoimmune crap. Trying not to stress too much about writing. Success rate about 70%ish. Worried about talking to stupid job councillor person. How can i hope to hold down a job if I sleep all the time? AUGH. STRESS. STUPID. DUMB BODY THING.
Thank you for the marvelous cards from
kareila and the mix from
blackmare_9 that i have only just unwrapped. <3<3