just one of those things

Dec 11, 2009 14:23

day 'n' of flare. i think we will call this flare 'winter'. does not help that seattle is experiencing sub-zero temperatures at the moment, so it is (quite literally) freezing outside. it does help that my brain worked out that it could turn on the heat. (i am one of those people that reacts to cold by putting on another sweater/blanket/layer/etc etc etc etc. turning up the heat literally does not occur to me unless there are small children involved, and then only in their immediate vicinity. once again i fail at self care).

supposedly the ridiculous cold will end on saturday night. i hope so. my current pain killers are insufficient. i try not to complain too much, but this is ridiculous and i have to go out at some point today, fuckit, the cats need food and the kid needs soy yogurt as a delivery mechanism for his meds tonight (and amazon fresh has no delivery slots left today. anyone local able to pick me up soy yogurt and cat food tonight? i will pay moneys and gratitude and eventually christmas cookies <3)

the cat is licking my head. and my hair. and it is WEIRD.

stupid crip body, seattle

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