
Nov 10, 2009 12:44

thanks to nightdog_barks, lana_ftw, jadesfire2808, kightp, brightflashes, brewsternorth, mactavish and dolphingoddess.

oh - anyone sending me linkies through my delicious inbox: i haven't forgotten you. my toolbar was broken and then i got swineflu and i still haven't sorted through them. i'm hoping the topomax lets go of my brain long enough to do that soon, but i am going to sort through them! promise. <3 it might be a bit of time.

i hope i can stay awake long enough to post these. :p needless to say topomax SUCKS so far. ARGH.

(that said, cautious optimism: usually when i'm tired like this the hand twitches are really bad, and there haven't been very many. *hopes*?)

important one near the top: mclaren usa recalling strollers because of kids' fingers being amputated just in case you have one, or know anyone who does. <3

fellatio common among fruit bats now i'm imagining this guy on a date telling his potential lady or gentleman friend what he does for a living and interesting developments at work - and whether this person found this information AWESOME or just plain ICKY i guess would be a great way to weed out the chaff. also heaven forbid the bats could be doing it just for fun. i <3 that there's a video. <3 does that count as watching porn? or is it inter-species curiousity? how does that work?

google maps flu shot finder it just started so it might take a bit for the data to shuffle about a bit.

the secret behind mona lisa's enigmatic smile

woman diagnosed with phobia of vegetables this is interesting. can she talk herself into eating tomatoes by reminding herself it's botanically a fruit? hmmm.

wooly pocket garden company gardens for your WALLS. and for your PURSE. eeeeeeee!!! DO WANT.

fluffy baby PORCUPINE EEEEEEEEEE i didn't know they were fluffy when they were wee. so cute!!

german physicists invent perfect coffee cup DUDE. WANT.

lab-grown penis helps rabbits mate ... like rabbits this is VERY cool. tailor made transplants.

canadian teen rescued from arctic ice floe he was stranded with two polar bears, which is far less awesome than it seems considering they were very likely to eat him.

antarctic iceberg on its way to new zealand this is kind of amusing in a way. maybe it's the topomax. idk. <3

biomedical lab uses shrinkydinks instead of 100K diagnostic chips how cool is that?

three lovely views of the milky way

albino otter spotted by photographer so CUTE! eee!

swiss muslims open mosque doors to fight referendum yeah. i heard about this when i was awake during the night and there was a radio bit on it - it was one of those moments where you hear something and you're immediately struck by how FUCKING BIZARRE it really is? anyway, the referendum is on the banning of minarets on new buildings. and the people in support of the ban want to do this because they're afraid of the 'islamization' (that is really the term they used) of switzerland. like if they start putting minarets on temples people are going to go crazy and start putting them on nightclubs and office buildings and all that. and because the muslims took over last time by war (they said this) they're afraid that the musllims are going to take over this time by 'islamizationing' (really the term) the country.

they could not say what the FUCK that meant or HOW that was going to happen of course, because that would require that they thought about this rather than just letting blind bigotry and fear dictate public policy - AUGH. SO STUPID.


wow, i stayed awake!

this calls for a pastry. i can has rugelach. (okay yes, they are store bought, but the store got them from a local bakery and they are really very, very good.)

yay world, antarctica is clearly awesome, meds, my head is pasted on crooked yay, my friends are awesome, more antarctica yay, phin goes blah blah blah, wtf world

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