
Nov 09, 2009 11:31

thanks to joedecker, nightdog_barks, epi_lj, foxestacado, mactavish, triedunture, thewlisian_afer, Marykir (does she have an LJ?).... and tallin.

facebook allows pro-rape anti-consent group to stay on the site for months apparently there are more of them, too. ugh. *shudder* i can't stand facebook. this doesn't help.

Seattle local history: growing up on 'the hill'. as in Capitol Hill (west coast version), my neighborhood.

babies are crying with mother's 'accent'. did i post something similar to this before? I want to say that i did but i forget when...

wife discovers allergy to husband's sperm on wedding night oooh, isn't that awkward? and kind of cool if it's not happening to you.

knife salesman stabs himself accidentally while riding bus ummmyeahfail.

guy claims gosselin and sulerman kids, wants them to live with him - in prison (i have no idea whotf these people are. is that that john and kate guy i keep reading about in the supermarket tabloids etc. while waiting in line for the checkout? ugh.)

fire warnings over drunk cooking

walmart bans couple for not shoplifting probably because they're gay. i'm horrified but hardly surprised. it's wal-mart. *sigh* *gag*

retired engineer builds glaciers to slow glacial melting that's got to be one hell of a big ice cube tray. i'm just saying.

video: 300, 000 birds swarm over Denmark at once omfg wow. worksafe video, not much in the way of sound.

papaya sex change in the works this is excellent. i love this story. i love this headline. <3<3

california legoland building lego-themed hotel just outside park entrance. OH MY GOD. i desperately want to go here.

obama is related to all US presidents except martin van buren. this was discovered by a 7th grader and her geneaologist 80 year old grandfather. such a great story. she's apparently obama's 11th cousin and is trying to present him with her chart. i hope she's able to. how cool is that?

KITTEN OMG! simplykimberly fosters kittens and takes the BEST photos of them. all six of her current foster kittens are in this one pic for example. if you live in the san francisco area and want a great kitten, let me know and i'll hook you up with her (or just go to her LJ)

if dogs are more your thing, here's the adorable foster puppy that mactavish is looking after.

(i have not-infrequently of late thought that we need a dog. at least partly to clean the damn floor after sean drops food on it. plus maybe to corral him/run after him, because a dog would totally be faster than me. argh. idk how well i'd deal with walking it and so on, plus we'd ideally have to get it licensed as a service dog for the kidlet to avoid issues with having three pets ... argh, idk. it's a thought. i don't know if it's a good one or not.)

angry copyeditor takes constructive revenge on memo firing copyeditors. excellent. <3<3

most ridiculous product of the week UPSCALE ICE. complete with gratuitous umlaut in product name.

things on tap for the day: i have to make a quick run to the grocery store to pick up a bunch of stuff (including bookbinding needles, because i thought about making some books this afternoon). supposed to start my topomax this evening too. argh in general.

my water therapy is only accessible by fail!transit. like, the bus doesn't even GO there. i am SO incredibly disgruntled by this and it doesn't help my distaste/disgust for exercise in general, esp. exercise where people can see me. (i actually don't care about the bathing suit part. i look good in a bathing suit, physically. i just look awkward and gawky trying to, you know, MOVE and, you know, DO ANYTHING. and of course the building with the pool isn't wheelchair accessible so i'll have to do crutches, which on fail!transit isn't a difficultly because they'll drop me off right there, but UGH. FAIL!TRANSIT.

the last time i took fail!transit out of Seattle proper i was trying to get to Microsoft's main campus. now MS's main campus is HUGE, so i figured it might be a problem when we actually got there, but that getting there would be easy, because it's HUGE and pretty damn obvious if you drive and have a job driving around that area, right?


they made me change shuttles in shoreline and i got on the second bus driven by someone who was INCAPABLE of taking any kind of direction. i have no idea how this woman coped in life generally, and i have even less of an idea what she was doing DRIVING A VEHICLE, which REQUIRES you to take DIRECTIONS. and people TRIED to give her directions and she talked over them and was all 'oh, i can't understand directions, blah blah blah blah.' i started mentally calling her Gilligan. it was actually close to a three hour tour.

we were over an hour late (and i left way, way early. there was no reason we should have been late at all.) but you can't COMPLAIN about this shit. they don't do anything anyway. god i hate them so fucking hard there.

ugh. sorry. disgruntled. hope this stupid water therapy helps. if it weren't for the pain i wouldn't bother with it at all. and i'm going to be all tired afterwards and waste even more time sleeping, i just know it. i have so much time to waste on this.*grouchy* i hate exercising in general, gyms in particular and always have. there's a part of me that's still in middle school waiting to be stared at, and it doesn't help that i'm totally clueless about them so i have to ask people for help. ARGH. bitch bitch bitch. time to go out i think.

ETA: have called rheumatologist for another referral. there's got to be a wheelchair accessible busable not at a private home therapy pool for adults (there's one at Children's Hospital, but they don't do adult PT, and there's one for DOGS at the fucking DOGGY DAYCARE but they don't do HUMANS) SOMEWHERE in this stupid city. it's a major metropolis. seriously, WHAT THE FUCK.

medical-go-round, meds, gimpy, pain, my head is pasted on crooked yay

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