roundup post - october 2009

Nov 01, 2009 18:08

i am trying to be more zen about this. (i am trying to be more zen about a lot of things. this is one of the biggest.)

i am glad at the very least that i wrote SOMETHING last month. because it would be bothersome (to me) to have a month where I wrote NOTHING, esp. since I've been tracking these things since december of 2007 and have done at least one thing every month.


hero by mistake: an angsty (yeah, i know, i do it sometimes) Jack Harkness ficlet that kind of edges into Dr. Who as well as Torchwood. it has spoilers for Children of Earth (even though I never watched it, I do know what went on) and the end of Dr. Who season 3.

*nods to self*

onward. <3

dr. who, torchwood, fanfic, roundup post

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