this is hallowe'en

Oct 31, 2009 13:40

due to the sick we are not going out trick-or-treating. Sean doesn't really 'get' it, and i think he may still be fighting off the last bit of sick as well (i just heard him sniffling) so i don't think he'll be sad, which is good.

i feel like hell; chris feels like lite hell.

clickies from mactavish and nightdog_barks.

florida man stole ferret by shoving it in his pants.

fossil hunter finds 140 million year old spidierweb in amber woah.


BUNNY WIF A HAT! (i LOVE this <3 so hard.)

i was going to write something about joe lieberman feeling 'relevant' for blocking health care reform, but i'm too tired and too incoherent and can't think of anything to say other than a lot of bad words, so i'm going to put the link here instead.

(okay, i thought of something. regardless of your views on the issue, what he's doing is basically lying down on the floor of a grocery store and kicking his feet because he believes he should have Cocoa Puffs and the majority opinion (the public, or to go with my analogy, his mother) says that he should pick something more nutritious. and if we don't put up with that kind of behavior from our children, why are we putting up with it from our elected officials, who are ostensibly adults and supposedly know better? that's all i'm saying.)

canada sets aside its boreal forest as giant carbon vault yay for canada!*

disclaimer: i don't hate america. i really don't. i like it here a lot; i've spent a lot of money trying to stay here. if i really hated it here i wouldn't be staying. but at least one person is convinced that i do, and so i have this disclaimer. (well, really part of it is my tongue-in-cheek poking fun at it.)

current thoughts:

I'm thinking about doing NaNoWriMo, but possibly a modified version. Really I want to write every day. but i don't know whether i want to write toward some sort of goal or not. i'm walking a line between being really stressed out over the deadline and exploding over that and not being able to cope vs. stretching my abilities. Not sure what way to go there.

seaners got suspended from fail!transit again. for taking off his seatbelt. for a week. *headdesk* am starting to be at a loss what to do here. I can't ride the bus with him alone (he won't fit on the wheelchair lift with me, he won't take directions reliably enough to where i'd be comfortable telling him to get on the bus: chris doesn't get home until after seven as it is), we don't want to take him out of the program. someone suggested getting the program put in his IEP and then maybe the schoolboard would pay for transportation. we might be able to find someone to carpool him with but i'm not sure. we can send him in a cab (we've done it before) for a few days at least while we try to figure this out ... ugh. i don't need this now. (i don't need it ever, but now i feel like complete crap.)

the dog across the hall is driving me crazy. i can't step out of my apartment without it going nuts and it barks all the way down the hall.

I'm learning kanji one character at a time with this and am very satisfied so far. <3 i found several different colored brush pens in my art supplies box (i don't remember buying them, how crazy is that) so i have a very colorful practice pad. (i'm also scribbling them all over my notebook so i can try to remember them independently of that.) this is a smallish big deal because i usually resist doing things slowly and i find it difficult to do things a little bit at a time regularly every day (i only recently usually remember to take my meds every day) so this is kind of a big deal even though it may not seem like one to some, yk?

(momentary pause as i buy $40 of japanese writing learning materials. hi, i'm back. even tiny stupid little things like that - learning one character a day, doing wee little worksheets - make me feel somewhat better about the day. I find learning the writing somewhat easier than the times i've tried to learn the language - maybe because I'm approaching it differently? or maybe because I have a more visual memory? something.)

incipient projects:

i bought a lunchbox (yes!) full of fabric (fat quarters, ends, remnants, etc.) for a song off of ebay - there are some awesome things in there but my favorite is BUNNIES IN KIMONOS OMG. seriously.

got two books about making handmade books and 'art books' in different styles out of the library. have some old-school kids' 'writing' paper - the fat-lined stuff for schools - from mantofev so i thought i'd make a book with that. something thematic there. not sure what.

still fevered. ugh.


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