ah, fail!transit fails again

Oct 29, 2009 14:46

dear fail!transit cranky-butt driver of yesterday evening,

a. if you get all huffy and puffy over the fact that my son dared to take off his shoes and socks on the bus, you have clearly not dealt with children very long, never mind disabled children (many of which have sensory issues.) IDK what YOUR issue was that you so vehemently refused to put his shoes back on. I assure you my son does not have cooties.

b. other drivers have zero problem bringing Sean to the apartment complex door and do not huff and puff at me over that. do not give me this shit. you are not Special. if you have a problem when an obviously disabled person makes a reasonable request, you should not be doing this job in the first place.

c. don't huff and puff at me that you have other people on board. they generally do too. this does not stop them. regulations clearly state that as long as you stay within visual range of the bus, mama paratransit is not going to spank you and put you in the basement (unless you like that sort of thing. and if you do, don't keep being mean to me or IMMA TELL ON YOU AND YOUR SPANKY HAPPY TIMES? NO MOAR. no nastiness to the customers.)

d. don't huff and puff at me in that passive-aggressive way, period. you make a shitty big bad wolf and i know at least one woodsman that wouldn't mind chopping you up.


little red riding gimp*

today's mail love: the LL Bean catalogue, which informed me of their fisherman's sweaters in kids' sizes, (and flannel shirts! eee!) and a package of BPAL that i ordered a while back.

i feel like hell and my hips and wrists hurt despite two tramadol. breaking out the narcotics.**

(* no really. i have a red cape. i wear it in my wheelchariot, it's a lovely boiled wool thing i got from some relatives in the north of england when i was there in 1996.)

(** yes, i am being careful and asked my rheumy about combining them. he said it was okay. taking a smaller dose tylenol extended release with the tramadol to start with, which works out to 2 pills in 24h - they say no more than six - and the percocet have less tylenol in them than the ER pills do. sudafed has no tylenol in it. (at least not the pill i'm taking.) i have no breathing difficulties with my methadone/percocet combo, i've been tested for that too <3 it's called 'central sleep apnea', when your brain gets so relaxed you forget to breathe. i do not has it.)

fail!transit, medical-go-round, meds, pain, health care is like herding cats

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