
Oct 26, 2009 10:32

links thanks to simplykimberly, euclase, nightdog_barks and mactavish.

I had more, but then i accidentally erased my 'twitter' folder by falling asleep briefly. don't ask. PHIN!PHAIL.

simplykimberly fosters kittens, and most recenttly had seven in the house. that's right, seven. plus her regular bunch of cats: click here for MAJOR CUTE OVERLOAD

gentoo penguin is not going to take your shit, Mr. Leopard Seal. when i was in new york at the penguin exhibit at the central park zoo (note to self: offload zoo pics today) there were two types of penguins - gentoos (shown here) and chinstraps (slightly smaller). i was there at feeding time and the gentoos were CONSTANTLY in the keepers' faces wanting fed NAO NAO NAO. (the keepers were very careful to make sure everyone got fed.) for little penguins they are very, very aggressive.

humument. gorgeous altered book pics.

modern man had sex with neanderthals but enough about my ex-boyfriend. *ba-dum-bing*

harvard tightening security after six poisoned

drunk-driving lazy-boy chair up for auction i heard this story on as it happens, and it is as hilarious now as it was then.

to do today: offload vacation pics, nap, go to store. hopefully write and a few other things.

penguins are incredible, my friends are awesome

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