clickies from
frankincensy and
mactavish, and also some twitter people, including warren ellis. <3
swedish schoolkids scold toys 'r' us for gender stereotyping don't read the user comments. i usually don't but was apparently possessed by some kind of pollyanna today. ugh. *shudder* they make me feel dirty. assholes calling boys changing diapers 'fairies' just to start with. :p
twin baby tiger cubs cutest scottish fold kitten EVAR With loudest purr EVAR. (youtube, sound and vision both nice but not necessary)
newsreader attacked by giant seagull! (visual joke, youtube)
russian bear kills man who put it in ice skates (in the words of warren ellis, 'who didn't see that coming?'
teddy bear potato burger king selling windows 7 whopper in japan oh, japan. don't ever change.
spooky signals from the future telling us to cancel the large hadron collider wasn't there a torchwood radio play about this?
berlin wall history guide what it says on the tin. <3
cancer drug can also be used to stop premature birth, contractions dispatches from polar scientists:
the waiting game and
a day out of the window of the lab. the second one has a neat timelapse photo.
norwegian man named world monopoly champion, recieves $20, 580 in prize money pretty awesome. <3
hi. i'm up early.