
Oct 19, 2009 16:24

yesterday afternoon:
yesterday we hung out with lana_ftw; we went to the farmer's market, went for ice cream (new flavor: pumpkin clove! omg win) and generally had a good time. i bought a basket made of some kind of grass for ridiculously cheap ($25 - it's handmade and HUGE.)
i bought sheets in this pattern/color

my neurologist emailed back and told me to reduce my morning trileptal dose back to 300 until i see her. better than nothing but still mildly frustrating as i don't think it's doing any good still. oh well. it is more tolerable and i'm not nodding off as much (although i am still nodding off) (and feeling sweaty and woozy) (and brainfoggy) (and generally stupid in the head) (and goddamnit my hands are still twitching)

(the worst of this is that i hate how much bitching i do. i'm sorry about that. it makes me absolutely crazy. i know it's OKAY. but i hate it.)

had a weird dream this morning but cannot quite recall it.

clickies from mactavish, gizmometer, anahcrow and hannahrorlove:

doctor behind the octuplets expelled from american society for reproductive medicine for 'ethical violations' (no single patient or so they claim)

man accused of killing woman left her burial site in his car's GPS system BAD IDEA.

weekly poem: 'ode to mix tapes' by sherman alexie. (what it says on the tin. has text and him reading it also.)

old bailey online search london's main criminal court from the 1600s to 1913.

seattle park to get sapling from the tree anne frank saw out of her secret window volunteer park, for the locals.

blackmare-9 is having a Snow Emergency Art Sale. this is how it works. She did a gorgeous picture of Sean for the last Snow Emergency Art Sale - i'm hoping she has a good digital copy of it so i can show it off to y'all. it was well worth the reasonable price of $40. this sort of thing would make an excellent gift <3

strange case of the councillor and the friendly alien wearing ballet shoes

fall colors and autumn leaves why they are different in different parts of the world. interesting stuff.

prisoner escaped after swapping identity with twin brother marvelous. <3 sounds like the beginning of a movie, doesn't it? some sequel to the usual suspects ...?

32 new exoplanets discovered (an 'exoplanet' is a planet that does not orbit our sun. i learned this from the new guinness book of world records 2010 i just bought last week. <3 i r a dork.)

suv decked out in whale penis leather. when i was in new york (a) i seriously almost got hit - like, came within inches - by an asshole driving way too fast down a one way street in an suv and (2) EVERY SINGLE asshole driver (of which there were fewer than you probably think in new york but still enough) was driving an suv. (and it seemed that all of them were not john barrowman. just to make things worse.) there were also a serious glut of SUV/Hummer-limos, many of which had flashing LEDs and were possibly the ugliest things ever built.

i told you that story so i could tell you this one:

this car looks way more obnoxious. holy crap.

tomorrow i'm getting my meds refilled. i also need to remember to get my lidocaine patches refilled while i'm there. i'm kind of bitter about this whole thing, considering this is the jury duty fill in crap; i'm partly 'convinced' that they're not going to do jack for me regardless - logically i know that this is (a) not true and (2) supposedly not anyone's fault but that doesn't stop me from being bitter.

related: still haven't heard from the other pain clinic. have to remember to call someone to track down my referral tomorrow - did it get sent? did they put my phone number on it? because this is just stupid. i am getting so much runaround bullshit right now and it's only judicious application of Sims that prevents me from just fucking exploding at how completely stupid and unfair the whole thing is.

(i would do that. except it would accomplish nothing. so Sims it is.)

(also: avoiding internet Monday nights because i'm behind on House. <3 you)

phin bitches too much, meds, this man has no dick, my friends are awesome, you are not john barrowman, pain, medical-go-round, phin goes blah blah blah

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