
Oct 17, 2009 15:44

courtesy a bunch of people on twitter, including lana_ftw, dolphingirl and mactavish (i don't have LJ names for most of them)

target online stops sales of 'illegal alien' hallowe'en costume WHAT. seriously? who the fuck thought this was even remotely appropriate in the first place? i guess they didn't care? obviously. something? *boggle* jesus.

interracial couple denied marriage license in louisiana supposedly dude is worried about the children, although i did hear something on the BBC when i was awake in the middle of the night that said he was afraid that one of the kids would grow up to be president. W.T.F. is my head in the sand or something? have people always been this crazy malajusted or did it take electing a non-WASP president to bring out the crazies?

neighbors thought dead man's body was part of hallowe'en display

all male college cracks down on "cross-dressing". personally i don't see how what someone wears is anyone else's business as long as everything's at least minimally covered, but *shrug*

maldives cabinet holds underwater cabinet meeting this is pretty cool. i remember hearing about this at oh dark thirty when i was awake, too. the whole country is only a meter above sea level.

lost greek city that may have inspired atlantis myth gives up secrets so cool!

suit says teacher tried to activate seven year old autistic boy's peanut allergy to avoid taking him on a field trip what the FUCK.

i am so grateful for sean's school placement. every time i read something like this. just - holy crap.

he didn't eat the chocolate bar she gave him, fortunately. she's since resigned. but - wow. *no words*

crete quarry could be original site of ancient greek labyrinth

from what gimp_mom says it may be the trileptal (that i'm taking for the hand twitches) (and it isn't even working) that is making me tired all the time. i feel stupid for not thinking it may have been correlated with drugs. i keep doing this to myself, too. just thinking it's me falling apart all the time. argh. i guess i have a legitimate reason for my head not being clear. i've been taking the stuff for two months, which explains a lot, and i just went up on the dose.

have emailed my neurologist. it would be one thing if it were working for what it was perscribed for, but it's not.

still need a new mattress. need to get to ikea. probably best to take the bus, what with the wheelchair and all, considering walking around the store would kill me. must remember to ask lana_ftw how much their delivery fees were ... i know ordering online is ridiculous and exorbitant as all hell but i think they do private local delivery that isn't too bad.

i had a dream last night that i was caught in someone's computer being stalked by evil animate toys and Captain John Hart (yes that one, the one from torchwood) was supposed to help me fight them off but he got killed and then i got killed trying to get out. (realism what? i survived longer than he did, fat flabby white chick over time agent? WHATEVER.) then i had another dream involving me surrogate-mothering some kind of infant in the pocket of my jeans and the guys from car talk were the midwives/directing the movie this was supposed to be made into/renovating the house. all at once.

yeah, i know.

also i need new sheets.

it's pouring rain. like, really, really hard.

hi, how are you?

medical-go-round, meds, med reactions of fail

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