
Oct 02, 2009 12:44

from nightdog_barks, tallin


the best, worst and most ridiculous tattoos ever. mostly worksafe, although one is not. click at your own risk. that said they are all WTF and hysterical at the same time.

origami insects and fish

researchers use electrodes to make people move in slow motion

postsecret: the internet's confessional EXCELLENT article. part 2 is here

men deny con to sell Ritz hotel

gas mask bra traps IgNobel prizes

google tells employee to decline microsoft award ... what happened to 'don't be evil'?

bank of america demands thumbprint from man with no arms ummmmmmmmm FAIL, hello.

malawi windmill boy whose fans may alter africa's destiny this is very cool.

gay penguins book is most banned oh please. *flail*

dear people banning books: homosexual behavior is extremely common in nature. (there is at least one excellent book on this that i know of, Joan Roughgarden's 'Evolution's Rainbow'. i'm sure that i could find more but i'm tired and sore at the moment.) If you have a problem with it, don't engage in homosexual behavior yourself, don't read the books in question, don't watch. end of. you have no right to permanently alter the real world just because you don't care for it.


(yes, i realize i am at least largely preachng to the choir here.)

now i'm going to have a blackberry muffin.

penguins are awesome, queer

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