
Sep 22, 2009 12:59

from dolphingirl and mactavish:

the great rivalries of chess kasparov v. karpov: rematch!

today's daily bunny OMFG CYOOTE. however if the one bunny is trying to sex up the other bunny he's doing it wrong.

students retrofit sailboat with hydrogen power and motor up the hudson

national autistic society agrees, MMR does not cause autism and never did HALLE-FUCKING-LUJAH. now if we can just get jenny mccarthy out of there we'll be sorted.

first ever record of a tufted puffin in the UK

running around like mad thing trying to get everything done. seeing doctor this afternoon at 2. (thank you krasota for reminding me about the parking placard thing - i won't have time to get the placard but i will have time to get him to sign the form and mail it off) and ARGH apparently seaners may have a mild UTI. *headdesk* (not severe according to school nurse, just watch it/make sure he's clean/er, etc. just - augh, poor guy. at least his aunt emily is staying with him and he adores her to bits. def. makes me more comfortable than a babysitter/stranger in this position.)

i am not a bad parent. i am not.

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