
Sep 18, 2009 14:52

today from rosencrantz319, tourmaline1973, tallin, nightdog_barks and mactavish

this is adorable. worksafe, v. short: two kids playing hide and seek.

image Click to view

because magie_05 likes my Dad Stories, here's one. this is how my sister's middle boy (he was about four or five) and my father would play hide and seek:
  • dad would lie on the sofa, half asleep with the golf game on the television (note: early exposure to televised golf is why i can put up with sean's music repeating itself over and over again. because there is almost nothing more boring than televised golf. except televised poker. anyway, i digress)
  • child would come up to my father and say, "Grandpa, i'm going to hide in the closet in your room."
  • dad would nod and say 'okay.'
  • child would run off and hide.
  • dad would lie there for a while, watching another ten minutes of golf, shouting every so often 'i'm trying to find you!' and half-heartedly looking behind the sofa and under throw cushions
  • and then eventually either my dad would go back and 'find' him or (more frequently) the kid would come out and say 'i was hiding in your closet!' and my dad would say 'oh! that's a good hiding place, i didn't find you.'

    this went on for at least a year. it was hilarious.

other clickies:
lawrence of arabia letters discovered
fighting for the right to bike to school this article makes me froth at the mouth. ARGHJLKDGSKJLDGSKMLDGS SOCIETY FAIL. and then we bitch about how fat our kids are and how awful it is being fat but oh noes we can't let them bike to school or walk around, we have to buy them a wii instead (disclosure: i am pretty fat myself and i don't believe a word of the so-called obesity epidemic bullshit. also i have nothing against the wii.)
this is a closeup from google earth PENGUINS OMG
tiny dinosaur ancestor is t-rex blueprint eee, TEENY T-REX OMG
ranger rick inspired six year old helps cornell and nsf with ladybug recovery how awesome is that for the kid?
cops discover pot plants growing in baskets lining street erm. *cough*

today: attempt to find a hotel. kind of nervous. but excited.

more antarctica yay, dad stories, parenting follies, antarctica is clearly awesome, penguins are incredible, your head is pasted on backwards

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