
Sep 10, 2009 23:04

  • 11:36 how did i not know they made 'the shipping news' into a movie? haven't seen it. will fix posthaste. #
  • 11:39 hm. maybe i'll go to TJ's. need to get Luna bars and more kid-lunch-stuff ... #
  • 13:58 home from TJ's w/precooked marinated balsamic chicken (me=lazy), meyer lemon cookies, dried fruit, granola bars and GF munches for kidlet. #
  • 14:00 has anyone else tried those 'snappea' things? munchy crunchy snack type;they're baked pea pods. kid adores them. #
  • 14:08 also do not know how non-hypermobile people grocery shop in wheelchairs. the only way i manage is because my arms/back twist in crazy ways. #
  • 20:27 thought i had a refill on pain meds.don't. need painkillers for the weekend.HATE leaving things to last minute/looking irresponsible/stupid. #
  • 20:27 especially when it's irresponsible/stupid/foo and involves schedule 2 pain meds, which i'm always afraid they'll take away anyway. hate self #
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