click click (da na na na)

Sep 02, 2009 12:24

clickies from awils1 and nightdog_barks

albino otter spotted by photographer

growing mice from human skin cells

a disabled yachtswoman has become the first female quadriplegic to sail solo around britain good for her.

cousin to brachiosaur discovered in chinese fossil record

each of us has at least 100 new mutations in our dna

seeing the mostly-useless rehab counsellor this afternoon. he's the one mostly responsible for making sure i know how to go about getting a job, not the ones that can actually pay for education. and since i know what i'm bloody doing, i really don't know why he insists on seeing me again. i've put it off four times and sadly i'm just going to have to go and bear it. sigh. waste of my time. i hate wasting time possibly more than anything else.

because of sean's field trip i don't think we can make the back to school picnic tonight. that said i know there's a coffee-thing just after school starts that i want to go to. (or well, i think i should go to. i don't 'want' to go. but i'm sick of being afraid of this stuff all the time and this is the only way i know of how to deal with it. i'm not dreading it or panicking over it, so that's a step forward i suppose. i just wish i didn't have to force myself. maybe that'll change over time. i hope so.)

(and there's a ridiculous part of me that's thinking 'oh, maybe i'll make friends!' and the rest of me is thinking 'this never worked when i forced myself to try social things in school, why would it work now?' this attitude is not helping. it's also what keeps me away from facebook. but apparently LJ is different? hello, brain, you strangely illogical.)

and i am GOING to write SOMETHING today. damn IT. something. even a drabble or a prompt or some small ridiculous thing. i need to focus. and work on my resume and my SSI application.

parenting follies, my head is pasted on crooked yay, writing

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