well FINE

Aug 17, 2009 19:29

so i had a pretty much mostly really awesome day, including ferry trips and yarn and completely amazing pie
but then i got home and i found out seaners has been grounded from paratransit for three days
because of taking his clothes off on friday.
which is a big fat piss-off because it may screw up even going to daycamp because they use that for their transportation.

and i don't know what we're going to do about that (chris is making phone calls)
so let's move on to something else instead.

i have this amazing yarn made of (i swear) paper. it's from japan, like all interesting and crazy things.
i want to knit a small vase. for dried flowers.
i was going to do it top-down, like a sock, but i don't know how to do the bottom part. i want to have a flat bottom, so i'm envisioning knitting something like a 'heel flap' to knit the 'base' part and hold the other stitches on a spare dpn, and then bind the 'live' stitches together? somehow? a three needle bindoff?
am i making sense? i can see it in my head...

six impossible things before breakfast, knitting, failtransit

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